CDs For Sale ⇩ NEW ⇩ Distant Dreams - Tim Rainey
Laidback spacey
electronica for all explorers of the universe within...
Muied Lumens mini review from the
Audiotalk forum
Feel free to download a short medley (6.5Mb) and give it a whirl before buying. Or click here to watch the video "Clouds" with music from the CD. €14 (about £10/$20)
includes post & packing When you buy two or more titles we will send you the ‘Kymata Kollection’ CD absolutely FREE of charge! Further details near the bottom of this page How Can I Tell You All The Things Inside My Head - Tim Rainey
Snippets from emails received: “Right first off, Tim, you are bonkers. Who or what is Albert and where’s his bike gone? Great work fella!” Steven UK “Hmmm....Hawkwind laced with early Floyd methinks.” Ivan UK “Reminded me of early Floyd and early Genesis with just a hint of something else I just can’t quite put my finger on.” Alan UK “The later singing parts remind me of Bob Calvert (Hawkwind circa 1978ish) but to be honest the speaking bit sounds better!” Jem Australia “I know I’ve already said it, but the engineering is great Tim, possibly even a talent.” Chris Australia Well, it’s
better than me telling you what it’s like. I would just like to add that
there is an eclectic mix of material on this CD ranging from electronic to
symphonic; plus a few other strange diversions on the way
For a taste of what the CD contains, click the play button...
You should NOT be seeing this text. ...or download (4.2Mb) the medley. €14 (about £10/$20)
includes post & packing Scapes Escape - Tim Rainey Click here to watch the video to track 9, "Tibetan Flight" Relax and escape from it all into another world of spacey laid back
soundscapes... no drums or vocals were used or abused in the production of this
CD "I love the "Scapes Escape" I’ve put it in my car for intense traffic jam listening !" Tony, UK "Your scapes will replace the one which has been in my CD player for months - such a great investment. Beautiful!" Rob, UK €14 (about £10/$20)
includes post & packing
“Superb stuff!!” Q00, UK “I really like this kind of stuff! The last track does it for me - spot on!” ML, UK 'Altered States' contains three 20 minute tracks of ambient/natural sounds encoded with specially tuned binaural beats designed to induce a relaxed dreamy/drug like altered state. This CD is for listening on headphones; speakers may be used but the binaural encoding will be severely diminished, if not lost altogether. Some people 'get' binaural beats straight away, others take time to experience the full affect, either way, designating some time everyday to listen to one, two or all three tracks will increase the brain's ability to tune in and synchronise to the binaural beats. The Prussian physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered binaural beats in 1839 and over the intervening years much research has ensued. There is still controversy over their use and the following disclaimer is quoted from the Wikipedia binaural beats page: "Those meeting any of the following criteria/conditions should not use binaural beats: epileptics, pregnant women, people susceptible to seizures, pacemaker users & photosensitive people. People under the age of 18 or under the influence of medication or drugs should consult a physician before using binaural beats. Binaural beats should not be used while driving or operating machinery. Before using binaural beats, it is advised that one be examined by a physician for possible epilepsy or any medical condition that may contribute to seizures. Although there is no known and/or documented case of binaural beats causing detrimental or negative effects, including seizures, it is always recommended to first consult a physician." The inevitable slightly smaller print:
If you have any doubts, health fears, worries, neurotic thoughts etc, do not
purchase this CD. No claims,
law suits or even lounge suits will be entertained. Use of this binaurally
encoded CD
is entirely at your own risk. If you are the type to fall, graze your knee
and call for your mummy to kiss it better, then the chances are this CD
isn't for you.
€14 (about £10/$20)
includes post & packing Manolis Avgenakis
Article reproduced with kind permission of
€14 (about £10/$20)
includes post & packing
English-Greek Compass Points and Wind Names
If you live in Greece and wish to own and use a pleasure boat in Greek waters, and the boat has an engine either inboard or outboard, then you must apply for a Greek boat license. To obtain your license, you will have to pass a written multiple choice style test in Greek. Thankfully you are allowed to bring an interpreter to assist you. The written test is followed by a practical aboard a boat; the boat may be your own or one supplied by the Greek Coast Guard - Åëëçíéêü Ëéìåíéêü Óþìá. Provided you familiarise yourself with the ‘rules of the road’ (*see below) then the written test shouldn’t be too difficult. Areas you need to pay attention to include: lights, signals, compass points and wind names. Compass points and wind names?! I hear you say. Yes, and in Greek too! In Greece, the 16 major compass points have a wind name associated with them. Your test may include questions relating to them so you must learn them off by heart. Not only that but knowing them is essential if you wish to understand Greek shipping forecasts; who would put to sea without knowing the forecast eh... For instance, NORTH is 'ÂÏÑÅÉÏÓ' and the associated wind name is: 'ÔÑÁÌÏÕÍÔÁÍÁ'. But how are they pronounced? ÂÏÑÅÉÏÓ phonetically sounds something like: VOREEOS, and ÔÑÁÌÏÕÍÔÁÍÁ?... clearly it would be better to hear them repeatedly spoken. Enter this CD. It
has the
English followed by the Greek translation; spoken by a native Greek speaker.
Repeated listening will commit the whole 16 compass points and their
wind names to memory in no time at all and help you sail
Included on the CD sleeve notes are: International Code of Signals and Lights:
The test will certainly include questions related to Lights and possibly Signals too. Also included is a laminated A4 size compass rose with the compass points and wind names in Greek; colour coded to aid recognition.
Good luck with the test captain... anchors aweigh!
€28 (about
includes post & packing *The very comprehensive, “A Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road” (as used by the Royal Navy), is available here price £12.50 The same book at Amazon is £59.50! Kymata Kollection
This CD is an essential collection of mostly free and shareware gathered over a period of years from the four corners of the globe. More than 500MB with over 6,300 files including: applications, utilities, videos, pictures, impulses, VST plug-ins, MP3s, Kymata wav samples… etc etc… all with help files and/or Read Me.docs/web links so you aren’t in the dark as to what the files are. Some of the files have never been on the net; some have, but are no longer available so this is a unique opportunity. It's not a load of old rubbish either, a large number of the apps are invaluable and in use here virtually everyday. When you buy two or more titles we will send you the ‘Kymata Kollection’ CD absolutely FREE of charge! "Nice selection of usefuls in your bonus CD as well - thank you really very much!" Rob, UK Purchasing Details The above CDs are physical products, they are not available as downloads. You can safely ignore the checkout notice: "Shipping, handling, and tax may be added upon checkout." the price includes everything, nothing will be added. For UK based customers we also offer the option of Sterling payment/transfer directly into our Barclays bank account; please enquire for details If you wish to order by
(stranger things have happened If you experience any difficulty ordering, or have any questions, please click here
All music, sounds, photographs and artwork © Tim Rainey 2006 Shameless plug: Nishikigoi Varieties is a 90 minute visual bonanza of beautiful koi carp…read more
Feedback, questions and comments welcomeLast updated: 2 January 2010Privacy PolicyPowered by admin© |