Fly trap If you keep animals such as chickens, dogs, horses or donkeys then you’ll know just how annoying large numbers of flies can become in hot weather. Not only annoying but flies carry diseases and can exacerbate problems such as equine Sweet Itch
This simple and inexpensive home made trap will attract large numbers of flies and remove them from circulation.
What you need:
An empty tin of some description; I use old dog food tins A tube of non setting glue; the sort that is used to trap cockroaches, mice and rats Something smelly to use as an attractant; I use readily available dog poo
Method: Place your smelly attractant material in the bottom of the can and run a ring of glue around the top.
Place your trap in the sun on something disposable and out of reach from children and your animals. Over the course of a day or two, the glue will run down the sides of the can. In no time at all a fly will land and attract more and more until the can is covered in the blighters:
After a few days, discard and start again with a fresh can. Beware that if it rains you will have to empty the water out rather quickly or the smell will be truly foul. Shameless plug: Nishikigoi Varieties is a 90 minute visual bonanza of beautiful koi carp…read more
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