Surplus Equipment Sale All equipment listed is from Kymata studio, a no smoking zone. No reasonable offer refused. If you have any questions please click here and fill out the form; don't forget to leave your email address and say where in Europe you are! I will not despatch goods to America so please don't ask. You are of course welcome to make an appointment to drop by to collect goods. Higher resolution images available for closer scrutiny, please specify which ones you want. Sale terms and conditions available on request Snail Mail: Kymata Studio, Box 5225, Stavromenos, Rethymno 74100, Crete, Greece. TWO Netgear XE102 Wall Plugged Ethernet Bridges These 'wall wart' units (UK 13 amp plug) are used to run a network through the existing mains wiring. Simply plug an XE102 into the mains, connect the supplied CAT5 cable into the computer (or ADSL router) and plug the second XE102 into the mains and connect it to the other computer. These units are great for networking two PCs between (say) upstairs and downstairs where there is either no CAT5 cable installed or the WiFi signal is unreliable. This sale is for TWO XE102 units and includes the resource CD as supplied. Price for both units: £55 +P & P See the Netgear site for further details/spec Yamaha SW1000XG Soundcard SOLD This is the legendary Yamaha soundcard with a spec longer than your
right arm The PCI card Midi breakout cable and daughter board mounting studs and cable Original box and manual SW1000XG Drivers for all flavours of Windows and Mac available from: http://www.yamaha.co.jp/product/syndtm/dl/sw1kxg.html The SW1000XG Yahoo group can be found here: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/sw1000xg/
The excellent XGPad editor is available FREE (it wasn't freeware when I bought it!) from http://www.xgpad.com/
Yamaha PLG100-DX (DX7 Daughter board) SOLD The daughter board. (The mounting studs and connecting cable are originally supplied only with the SW1000XG card itself) XGtools CD and manual Original box and manual The blurb/spec: The PLG100DX originally cost £199. It is a DX7 synth on a card offering six-operator FM synthesis, computer-based editing, 16-note polyphony, 912 preset voices and 64 user presets The excellent XGPad editor is available FREE (it wasn't freeware when I bought it!) from http://www.xgpad.com/ EgoSys Wamirack 24 SOLD Very good condition and comes with everything* as originally supplied: the rack unit itself, PCI card, breakout connecting cable, manual, mains lead, Gigasampler and Gigapiano CDs, Cubasis special Wamirack edition and original box. The original blurb/spec:
WaMi Rack is
simple, elegant and the most cost effective way to solve your digital audio and
MIDI hardware needs. All the professional hardware
you need to start producing professional quality audio and music is neatly
packaged inside WaMi Rack, and as its name suggests, it occupies just a single
1U rack space. If you have outgrown your entry-level
MIDI or audio
interface, and are serious about digital audio, WaMi Rack is the perfect
solution. WaMi Rack gives you 4 in/4 out MIDI interface with SMPTE in/out, and 4
in/8 out 24 bit audio I/O with S/PDIF Digital I/O & Word Clock I/O.
* I haven't included the old driver CD as they have been superseded. The latest Windows (XP/2K/ME/98se) E-WDM driver version 3.85 is available here: http://www.esi-pro.com/download.php If you experience any difficulty downloading it, I have a copy on my HD. Terratec EWS64XL SOLD This ISA soundcard includes: 4 x i/o, digi i/o, 2 x MIDI i/o, onboard 64meg sampler and breakout front panel. Drivers available at: http://www.ews64.com/driversinst.html
TerraPac Mk II - a 3CD sample pack (separate item for above card) SOLD
Download a 10 page 31kb Word doc list of contents of the three CDs AdLib SOLD This is a genuine antique
Other rack items: Digital music Corp MX8 midi patch bay - very good condition. SOLD Includes: manual, original box and editing software (PC) Unit powered and below, showing some of the edit screens Editing software for PC also included in sale. The image in the software shows the cheaper MX8 version they released with the less durable membrane type keys. Behringer Ultra-Curve DSP8024; includes the (optional) AES/EBU digital i/o board (fitted) - inc manual etc and boxed as new.
Rear shot of the fitted AES/EBU digital i/o KAO branded MF2DD Double Sided 1MB Floppy Discs I have a small quantity of brand new (still in their cellophane sealed boxes) floppies for the Atari/Amiga; each box contains ten discs.
Are you looking for any soft or hardware for the Atari platform? I have all sorts of surplus Atari gear... tell me what you are looking for, I might be able to help.
Shameless plug: Nishikigoi Varieties is a 90 minute visual bonanza of beautiful koi carp…read more
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